Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Meeting 3

Today was the third meeting for the VTU concert committee that I have attended. In today's meeting a number of things were discussed. Primary focus was on making sure those who are working the concert for The Roots tomorrow had gotten their assignments via email.

Along with that, VTU is really pushing their organization members to promote the Gym Class Heroes Concert. The number of tickets sold was discussed and the goal for total tickets was discussed. The work needed to be done by the concert committee was clearly explain. Basically: promote, promote, promote. I volunteered to work several hours tomorrow handing out fliers to people on the drill field. It should be interesting to see if I can decipher the core from the inclined from the disinclined. It will be interesting to get a first hand experience dealing with strangers and seeing how they react to having information put in their hands in a fraction of a second and how variations in the interaction could potentially change the response of the receiver of the flier.

Virginia Tech's annual "Laugh Riot" this year featuring Nick Swardson has received quite the setback. Unfortunately, Nick Swardson is sick and will not be able to perform tonight as planned. However, the ticket sales staff has no way of informing every ticket holder. Committee members were encouraged to tell anyone they knew who had a ticket and fingers are crossed that word of mouth would travel far enough. An announcement was planning to be made via facebook, and I actually made an announcement on the campus radio station today during my show.

While I'm sure many have been informed, there is no doubt there will be some disappointment from uninformed patrons.

This shows a lack of planning on the part of the ticket sales committee, and is certainly unfortunate. The show is being rescheduled, I believe for November the 13th.

In the current era of technology, it would make sense to have every ticket buyer's email address. However, I do not believe tickets were available online for purchase, so naturally to create a fast and easy transaction, nothing more than an exchange of money was required to receive a ticket. So unfortunately, any bad PR tonight was unavoidable with the current system. It will be interesting to see if VTU and the box office in Squires will take action to prevent future mishaps.

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